Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Kershaw Dividend. Payout for all?

Being a hardcore Kershaw Link enthusiast I was eyeing the Dividend as soon as I saw M390 cross it's steel, which was recently as well the Link which I'll probably order very soon.

I've read that the Dividend is a smaller Link or beefed up Leek? I've always hated the Leek style but am insanely in love with the Link, a real man's EDC knife! True that this knife closer resembles the Leek but not enough that I dislike it. It has wonderful flowing curves in a small and light package.

The blade shape has a great belly and an extra fine tip for piercing tasks, superior steel obviously as it's M390 and a great regrind from the original Dividend. Like I'm really happy with this shape but for me personally I REALLY love the Link as it's a bit taller. Both amazing slicers but something keeps me coming back to the Link.

Another reason I think I prefer the Link to the Dividend is the handle. The handle on the Dividend is great, don't get me wrong but it's even more smooth than the aluminum on the Link which has a bit more grip so to speak. The Dividend also is amazingly thin and disappears in the corner of the pocket but I don't mind the Link having more girth. In all honesty I feel the Dividend would pass as a gentleman's knife in a second where the Link could do the same but really has that beefy man EDC air to it. Also the length of the handle on the Dividend gives me like 3 and a half pinky grip it seems so I prefer the Link again for full 4 finger grasp without thought. Another thing I'm finding with good use of the Dividend is that with certain pull cuts I'm getting a fair amount of bother on my index finger near the start of the palm as I push down.

I keep wanting to dislike this knife because at times I find I miss the Link and want this to be a mini Link maybe. But then I hold this a certain way and go "Damn I like this knife a lot!" but then am almost forcing myself to try and hate the knife again for some reason. Love hate knife right here folks.

UPDATE: after using this puppy for three weeks the torsion bar already broke, ordered a few more from KAI and we'll see how it goes. Still really love/hate this knife.